Monday 12 December 2016

Snow Day, Scattered Epiphanies

  • I learned the words to Tom Waits' God's Away on Business, and it's true: There's always free cheese in a mousetrap, baby. 
  • I found out that if you brush a thin layer of olive oil on a pizza crust before adding the toppings, your pizza won't get soggy and floppy.
  • I decided that, other than from among your closest friends, seeking validation from fellow females not in your field is pointless and self-defeating because we are apparently not at that point yet where we can lift each other up instead of scramble over each other for the crumbs society throws our way. 
  • And, simultaneously most symbolic and practical, I officially gave up on my futile attempt at 42 to switch to carrying around one of those tiny, femme purses, because yes, I know I'm carrying an enormous laptop bag instead of a purse, but you know what? Books. Books and papers. Books and papers and notebooks and pens and sometimes even a bloody laptop and yes, in one small compartment, between the Tide-To-Go stick, the sewing kit and the Star Wars band-aids, there are the one credit card and lipstick that could fit into that tiny f$#%ing purse that would look so much more dainty. If my deadlifting a portable black office doesn't look girly enough for you, though ... well, then, I wasn't your kinda girl anyway.

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